

my favorites to date





my favorites to date

By now you know I have issues with some vegetables still even as an adult.  If you compare my childhood vegetable intake to my adult vegetable intake it’s drastically different.  Growing up the only vegetables I would even consider eating were corn, potatoes and canned peas – ONLY canned peas. Anything else you would have thought by the squinched up face I made that you were trying to give me poison.  I wanted no parts of anything else.  Now there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not nomming on a raw pepper – red, orange or yellow though never green.  To me green peppers are bitter.  I crave jicama, love raw carrots (still hate them cooked), onions… yes ONIONS (not raw) are my friend.  Like caramelized onions are incredible. And let’s not forget about Brussels Sprouts!  They actually don’t suck!  I’ve featured them in numerous dishes and salads.  My shaved Brussels Sprouts salad is one of my favorites to date!

But… I still have issues with tomatoes.  Like I love tomato sauces and stuff like that but tomatoes in a chunk form… *shudder*. They just bother me.  And oh dear God if one is raw and I bite into it by accident I honestly think I’m going to die.  LOL  Well okay maybe it’s not quite that dramatic but I have issues with raw tomatoes.  Now I have grown up to the point where if they are on a white pizza and roasted that I’ll eat them.  I think it’s because that liquidy crap inside has dried up and ceases to exist.  It’s the no-squish factor. Yeah I know, I’m weird but we all have our own idiosyncrasies.

Well I was bound and determined to incorporate more tomatoes into my diet.



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